Protect Yourself, Avoid Financial Stress When Mishap Happens

Malang tidak berbau.

This is a quotable Malay quote, which translates to “ill-fortune has no smell”. That is definitely true. We can neither see nor smell misfortune coming.

Remember the movie “Titanic”? There was a sailor on the lookout post of the gigantic ship who claimed that he could smell ice. But, as it turned out, he couldn’t. The Titanic could not avoid the iceberg until it was too late and eventually sank because of it.

Mishaps like icebergs not only appear without warning but when they do, they are bound to drain you financially as the cost of medical surgery or treatment can be quite hefty. Some people may have personal accident insurance coverage while others may not as premiums are expensive.

If you are uninsured in the event of a sudden mishap like the ones listed in the table below, it can be tragic, financially speaking. You could be paying medical expenses of up to $100,000. Just thinking about the amount would make anyone’s heart skip a beat.

For the estimated cost benchmark, you can refer to this document from Ministry of Health.

What if we tell you there is an easy way to ensure that you don’t incur such expenses?

By simply opting in to ComfortProtect, a personal accident and COVID-19 protection insurance plan that will only cost you a mere 30 cents every time you ride with us.

ComfortProtect will not only provide you with personal accident coverage during the taxi trip, but it will also provide you with coverage long after you step out of the taxi, for up to 24 hours in the event of serious injury that causes disability. If you are insured under ComfortProtect, you are eligible to receive a payout of up to S$50,000, over and above any other Personal Accident plan or medical insurance that you may have.

What’s more, ComfortProtect also provides COVID-19 coverage of up to 14 days from latest trip, with a one-time payout of $500, if you are hospitalised for at least three consecutive days.

In other words, there is currently no such insurance coverage now other than ComfortProtect that can provide you the peace of mind.

You don’t need the ability to smell ice or ill-fortune. But, what you do have is the ability to choose. Protect yourself by opting in to ComfortProtect the next time you ride with us. Some things are worth saving but 30 cents spent on ComfortProtect is money well spent.

Find out more about ComfortProtect:

Watch how you can opt in to ComfortProtect:

ComfortProtect was officially available on our app since 8 Oct 2021

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